

DCS Weapons Database

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Mk-20 (CBU-100)

The CBU-100, also known as the Mk-20 Rockeye, is an air-dropped cluster bomb.

Weight: 490 pounds (222 kg)
Length: 8 feet, 10 inches (2.69 m)
Diameter: 14.6 inches (37.08 cm)
Warhead: 247 Mk-118 Mod 0 bomblets
Range: Up to 10 miles (16 km)
Guidance: Free-fall, unguided
When released from an aircraft, the CBU-100 opens up in mid-air and scatters its bomblets over a wide area. The bomblets are designed to penetrate hardened targets such as tanks, and other armored vehicles, and can cause significant damage to soft targets such as personnel, trucks, and buildings.

The Mk 118 Mod 0 bomblet is a submunition that is delivered from cluster bombs. It is designed to destroy a wide range of targets such as vehicles, tanks, and other armored vehicles. The bomblet is relatively small, weighing only about 2.6 pounds, and is typically dispersed in large numbers from a single cluster bomb.
Weight: 490.00
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