

DCS Weapons Database

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Approximate, varies by variant:
- Length: 12 ft
- Diameter: 7 inches
- Weight: 350 lbs
- Speed: Mach 4
- Range: > 40-50 nm
- Max Alt: 100,000 ft

- AIM-120A: Range of about 20-30 miles (32-48 kilometers).
- AIM-120B: Range of about 30-40 miles (48-64 kilometers).
- AIM-120C: Range of about 40-50 miles (64-80 kilometers).
- AIM-120D: Range of about 50+ miles (80+ kilometers).

The combat effective range of the missile can vary depending on a number of factors relative to the intended target, such as: altitude, speed, azimuth, closure rate, jamming, etc.
The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) is a modern, all-weather, active radar-guided missile designed for use in air-to-air combat. It is the primary air-to-air missile. When launched, use the brevity call "Fox 3".

The AIM-120 is equipped with an active radar seeker, which allows it to self-track and engage targets. The missile can receive command guidance updates from the launching aircraft.

- AIM-120A: The initial version of the missile, which entered service in 1991.

- AIM-120B: An upgraded version of the AIM-120A, featuring improved guidance and a more powerful rocket motor. It entered service in 1998.

- AIM-120C: The C variant has a larger rocket motor, which provides greater range and speed than the B variant. It also features improved guidance and a more capable warhead. The AIM-120C entered service in 2003.

- AIM-120D: The latest variant of the missile, featuring improved guidance, a two-way data link, and greater range and speed than previous versions. It entered service in 2016.
Weight: 350.00
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