

DCS Weapons Database

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- Mfg: Matra (MBDA)
- Weight: 200 kg (440 lb)
- Length: 2.7m
- Diameter: 0.22m
- Warhead: 100kg primary, 15kg delayed secondary
- Range: drop-on-target
The BLU-107 Durandal is a free-fall, parachute retarded bomb designed to disable or destroy enemy runways. It is primarily used to create large deep craters on airfields, rendering them inoperable for aircraft operations. It is an airfield denial weapon.

After being dropped from low altitude, the unguided Durandal deploys a parachute from its tail. When the Durandal's nose is pointed down, its 330-pound high explosive warhead is rocket-fired into the runway. After penetrating up to 15 feet of concrete, the warhead detonates and craters the runway, rendering it useless for aircraft.
Weight: 440.00
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